Lenten Readings


Even in our fast-paced world, we recognize that there is some benefit to slowing down occasionally. Some things simply can’t be seen at full speed. This is why sports officials slow down the tape on video reviews. It’s why people learning a language ask for a phrase to be repeated one more time, slowly. It’s why our wisest of teachers have always encouraged us to slow down and quiet our hearts that we might hear the voice of God in the midst of our noisy, hurried world.

This year’s Lenten exercises are an exercise in slowing down. We are going to take a slow look at Jesus’ last week of ministry before his death and resurrection. We’ll rely primarily on Mark’s reporting of these events.

Mark’s gospel has been accused of being in a hurry. Mark covers the three years of Jesus’ ministry on earth in a ten chapter sprint. Then in chapter 11, Mark slams on the brakes bringing the story to a snail’s pace. Mark takes six chapters to describe the events of just one week.

When we realize all that happened in that last week, we understand why Mark wanted to slow things down. This was one week that changed everything!

The reading list in this handout is meant to complement the sermons leading up to Easter. These readings can be done as an individual or with a group. I pray they will help you slow down and get a better look at not just the week, but more importantly, the One who changed everything.

Grace and peace,

Pastor Taylor

2020 Lenten Reading Instructions & Schedule


Feb 23 2020


All Day