How to Join SLBC

How to Join SLBC – To join our church family you may talk to our pastor during the invitation time at the end of the sermon, visit the New Member Table located in the Trinity Café, or email, call, or come by the church office at your convenience.

There are several ways to join:

  • By Profession of Faith and Request for Baptism: Professing faith in Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and Lord. After making your profession, you will be baptized by immersion as a symbol of your commitment.
  • By Statement of Faith and Request for Baptism: If you’ve already trusted Christ as your Savior but have not yet been baptized, you can join by requesting baptism by immersion.
  • By Statement of Faith: If you are already a Christian and have been baptized by immersion, you can join SLBC.
  • By Transfer of Membership: You can transfer your membership from another Baptist church.

If you would like more information about joining SLBC or would like to talk to someone about joining, you may contact Taylor Sandlin or Jeff Moran.