Stephen Ministry

In 2020, Sugar Land Baptist Church commissioned its first class of Stephen Ministers. The 19 members of SLBC have completed 50 hours of training and desire to provide confidential pastoral care to those in our church and community who are going through difficult times.

When do we need God’s love most?

Of course we need that love every second of every day; however, there are times when God’s love is especially precious, times when:

  • We lose a loved one;
  • Our world turns upside down and we don’t know where to turn;
  • Life feels meaningless or empty;
  • Unexpected changes in life have happened.

At times like these, it is important to have someone that cares. SLBC has trained Stephen Ministers ready to walk with you through the difficult times of life in a 1-on-1 caring relationship.

Stephen Ministers care. Stephen Ministers pray. Stephen Ministers want you to know that you are never alone – The Lord is near to the brokenhearted…. Psalm 34:18 (NASB).

Click here to read Stephen Ministers: The After People.

To inquire about having a Stephen Minister, reach out to our Stephen Leadership Team –

If you would like information about how to become a Stephen Minister, click here.

To contact Stephen Ministry at Sugar Land Baptist Church, email

Stephen Ministry is based out of St. Louis, MO. For additional information on this international pastoral care ministry, click here.